-Rajshekhar Pant
me share one of my recent experiences with you. It is all about my losing
temper over a trivial issue. Probably I was a little upset because of certain
problems; probably, I at that moment of time was a bit more receptive, more
sensitive -the fact of the matter was that I lost my cool. And as you all know
it is your reasoning, your sense of judgment that normally has to bear the
brunt of your blowing into rages. You start speaking in a manner, behaving in a
way which is least expected and quite unbecoming of you. Such unfortunate
incidents actually give an opportunity to your baser self to pop-out. Following
all this I could not be my normal self for a couple of days. Much depressed and
low spirited did I remain till I was reminded of an instance from the life of
Mahatma Gandhi 'when he was in the Tolstoy Farm in South Africa.
Struggling through all possible odds once he did lose his cool because an
incorrigible boy, arrogant and rowdy as he was, would not listen to him. He
beat that boy hard with the ruler he had in his hand. What followed was a sense
of defeat. He never tried to defend and justify his anger and the next day the
first thing he did was 'he went to that boy apologized and he writes in his
memoirs that this confession made him feel better and the sense of defeat which
was eating him up the previous night melted away all of a sudden. I thought of
trying it out the next day. I went to that person whom I had unjustly been so
rude to and apologized straightway. And believe me, it was like unburdening me.
I had a sense of relief and also the realization that Gandhi did never make a
tall claim in his biography.
dear friends, don't ever consider Gandhi to be a figure from the remote
corridor of history, who mobilizing the masses finally succeeded in expelling
the colonial power. Don't ever consider him to be an unearthly figure, a
commodity that deserves to be dusted, polished, cleaned, garlanded and so on
and so of on his birthday. Don't canonize him for God's sake because such an
act distances us from him. More than being a liberator of India Gandhi needs to
be remembered for reestablishing the values we had forgotten. For telling us
that small things like having the courage to speak truth, desisting from having
an inflated ego; keeping your conscience clear and having faith on the
essential goodness of human heart make life an enjoyable experience. For
impressing it upon us that face to face with a dilemma, with a to be or not to
be situation the best way out is to turn inward and listen to your conscience
and also for reminding us again and again that that a dichotomy between words
and deeds is self destructive and pretensions don't last long. More than for
his political profile, I personally feel that Gandhi deserves to be remembered
for these small things. His entire leadership, may it be political social or
even religious is a testimony of the faith and values he lived by. Gandhi of
course was not infallible; no mortal can ever be so and Gandhi indeed was a
mortal. He did make blunders as a political leader. His views and approach on
issues like economy, family planning, celibacy etc at times appear to be
myopic. But his greatness lies in being and knowing to the core what he was. He
never asks you to do something which he himself could not do. He unlike many of
those who in his name have been ruling the country was a man of examples and
not of precepts.
Sirr...thanks a lot..for giving us the opportunity to read you. Reading this blog is same as attending your English class at BVM and far beyond that...I see my God in you and worship you...May the Almighty grant me the privilege of adding my life to yours so that you may enlighten this world...always at ur heavennn...!!!